cobbler buildiso, kickstart & satellite
Hi all,
I am trying to use cobbler in our environment when (so far ...) we cannot use PXE boot to provision servers.
So the obvious option is to use "cobbler buildiso" feature.
I create kickstart file using our internal Satellite server, then run "cobbler buildiso".
The iso is created but when I boot it I get the following message:
Unable to download the kickstart file. Please modify the kickstart parameter below or press cancel to proceed as an interactive install
The kickstart file is using the following command:
wget "http://(our satellite)/cblr/svc/op/trig/mode/pre/profile/prof1" -O /dev/null
We don't have any cblr/svc/... path on our Satellite.
I could modify the kickstart file but every time I modify kickstart file using Satellite I would need to repeat it.
Can I change cobbler config to use the correct path ?