Message to : Md.Foysal, Md.Moinuddin Chowdhury

Latest response

Unfortunately we don't have a "private message" feature on our platform and that's why I've chosen to write an "open letter" to you.
I've been watching your activities on the customer portal for some time now. Several times you have been asked by other members,
and by Red Hat employees to change your posting behavior. Unfortunately you do not seem to listen, and don't follow their advises.

Can you please avoid to say "Read the man pages" over and over again ? Please assume that customers are aware of man pages.
Can you please refrain from posting "tons" of irrelevant text to discussions ? This definitely turns the threads to being distracting.
Can you please stop copying other people's stuff and pasting them once again to the very same discussion ? It's not appropriate.
Can you please stop dropping the same content under each and every comment in a specific discussion ? Makes it a pain to read.

If you know a working solution how to solve a problem, you're welcome to contribute specific advisories to address this problem.
But if you don't - DO NOT POST ! Oh, and one other thing - Please stop advertising the Rufus tool, where ever it fits, or fits not.
Rufus is known to often generate issues - There are various tools available to create bootable USB devices, which work properly.

We understand ourselves as a community forum that provides customers with useful content as an addition to the knowledgebase.
What we do not need are general tutorials in discussions. Please assume that Red Hat customers are seeking for specific solutions.
Finally, you may want to read an article from my colleague RJ Hinton. Practical tips when posting to the Red Hat Discussion Forum

