Red Hat Workstations - patching
Hi all,
I have situation where one of our offices are using Red Hat OS as main OS on all laptops. All is fine and working nicely apart from pacthing.
The issue is that we automated creating new version of Content View and creating job invocation for collections over the weekend and that is working fine with devices that are online during the job invocation.
The issue is with laptops as they are going offline for days at the time and the jobs with pushing erratas are failing or are in Pending state (since I tried mqtt way).
I have question is there a way that clients will pickup Pending jobs once they become online? I upgraded Satellite to 6.12 as I was under impression that new "pull mode" feature will resolve the issue. Unfortunately the job is in "Pending" even when the client came online and yggdrasil agent is connected to the Satellite server.
Does anyone have an idea how to tackle pushing updates to clients that are frequently online/offline?