Cannot map RHEL 8.8 shared drives from Win 10

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I have build many RHEL 6.x & 7.x servers, shared folders, and accessed them from Win 10 with no issues, but I cannot see the server or shard folders on RHEL 8.8 from Win 10 network.

I double and tripled checked my smb config file, and can access the server using SSH (putty) and Windows remote desktop.

I ran following commnd and receive the error.

smbclient -U -L localhost
protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY

I checked my errors with journalctl -b -p err command and found failed entries in the attached doc.

I reviewed several forums but do not see my exact issue.

I am running kernel version 4.18.0-477.21.1.el8_8.x86_64.

I listed my currant smb.conf file at the end of the document.

I install the following samba packages:
sudo dnf install ipa-client sssd-libwbclient samba samba-client samba-common.

I am not sure if I have issues with nfs or samba or both.

Any help would be apricated.


