Failed install OCP 4.13 with Esxi-Vcenter 8

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I Install OpenShift on vSphere with installer-provisioned infrastructure. Lab Inventory= ESXI-Vcenter8 (as hypervisor) , Rhel 8.5 (as OCP-Helper), OCP ver 4.13 - Addns (for api-ingress-dns etc) with Automated CLI Based. Implemente this commad openshift-install create install-config --dir=ocp413 & openshift-install create cluster --dir=ocp413 --log-level=info with the result 1 boostrap created and 3 master node, but worker node is not created.
The log shown:
ERROR Cluster operator csi-snapshot-controller Available is False with CSISnapshotController_Deploying::CSISnapshotWebhookController_Deploying: CSISnapshotControllerAvailable: Waiting for Deployment
ERROR CSISnapshotWebhookControllerAvailable: Waiting for Deployment
INFO Cluster operator etcd RecentBackup is Unknown with ControllerStarted: The etcd backup controller is starting, and will decide if recent backups are available or if a backup is required
INFO Cluster operator etcd Progressing is True with NodeInstaller: NodeInstallerProgressing: 3 nodes are at revision 0; 0 nodes have achieved new revision 2
ERROR Cluster operator etcd Available is False with StaticPods_ZeroNodesActive: StaticPodsAvailable: 0 nodes are active; 3 nodes are at revision 0; 0 nodes have achieved new revision 2
ERROR Cluster operator kube-apiserver Available is False with StaticPods_ZeroNodesActive: StaticPodsAvailable: 0 nodes are active; 3 nodes are at revision 0
INFO Cluster operator kube-controller-manager Progressing is True with NodeInstaller: NodeInstallerProgressing: 3 nodes are at revision 0; 0 nodes have achieved new revision 1
ERROR Cluster operator kube-controller-manager Available is False with StaticPods_ZeroNodesActive: StaticPodsAvailable: 0 nodes are active; 3 nodes are at revision 0; 0 nodes have achieved new revision 1
INFO Cluster operator kube-scheduler Progressing is True with NodeInstaller: NodeInstallerProgressing: 3 nodes are at revision 0; 0 nodes have achieved new revision 3
ERROR Cluster operator kube-scheduler Available is False with StaticPods_ZeroNodesActive: StaticPodsAvailable: 0 nodes are active; 3 nodes are at revision 0; 0 nodes have achieved new revision 3
INFO Cluster operator machine-config Progressing is True with : Working towards 4.13.4
ERROR Cluster operator machine-config Available is False with RenderConfigFailed: Cluster not available for []: openshift-config-managed/kube-cloud-config configmap is required on platform VSphere but not found: configmap "kube-cloud-config" not found
INFO Cluster operator network ManagementStateDegraded is False with :
INFO Cluster operator network Progressing is True with Deploying: DaemonSet "/openshift-multus/network-metrics-daemon" is waiting for other operators to become ready
INFO DaemonSet "/openshift-network-diagnostics/network-check-target" is not available (awaiting 2 nodes)
INFO Deployment "/openshift-multus/multus-admission-controller" is waiting for other operators to become ready
INFO Deployment "/openshift-network-diagnostics/network-check-source" is waiting for other operators to become ready
ERROR Cluster operator openshift-apiserver Available is False with APIServerDeployment_PreconditionNotFulfilled::APIServices_PreconditionNotReady: APIServicesAvailable: PreconditionNotReady
INFO Cluster operator openshift-controller-manager Progressing is True with _DesiredStateNotYetAchieved: Progressing: deployment/controller-manager: available replicas is 0, desired available replicas > 1
INFO Progressing: deployment/controller-manager: updated replicas is 1, desired replicas is 3
INFO Progressing: deployment/route-controller-manager: available replicas is 0, desired available replicas > 1
ERROR Cluster operator openshift-controller-manager Available is False with _NoPodsAvailable: Available: no pods available on any node.
INFO Cluster operator service-ca Progressing is True with _ManagedDeploymentsAvailable: Progressing:
INFO Progressing: service-ca does not have available replicas
INFO Cluster operator storage Progressing is True with VSphereCSIDriverOperatorCR_WaitForOperator::VSphereProblemDetectorDeploymentController_Deploying::VSphere_Deploying: VSphereCSIDriverOperatorCRProgressing: Waiting for VSphere operator to report status
INFO VSphereProblemDetectorDeploymentControllerProgressing: Waiting for Deployment to deploy pods
INFO VSphereProgressing: Waiting for Deployment to deploy pods
ERROR Cluster operator storage Available is False with VSphereCSIDriverOperatorCR_WaitForOperator::VSphereProblemDetectorDeploymentController_Deploying: VSphereCSIDriverOperatorCRAvailable: Waiting for VSphere operator to report status
ERROR VSphereProblemDetectorDeploymentControllerAvailable: Waiting for Deployment
ERROR Bootstrap failed to complete: timed out waiting for the condition
ERROR Failed to wait for bootstrapping to complete. This error usually happens when there is a problem with control plane hosts that prevents the control plane operators from creating the control plane.
WARNING The bootstrap machine is unable to resolve API and/or API-Int Server URLs
INFO root : PWD=/var/opt/openshift ; USER=root ; ENV=KUBECONFIG=/opt/openshift/auth/kubeconfig ; COMMAND=/bin/oc --request-timeout=5s get rolebindings --all-namespaces -o json
INFO root : PWD=/var/opt/openshift ; USER=root ; ENV=KUBECONFIG=/opt/openshift/auth/kubeconfig ; COMMAND=/bin/oc --request-timeout=5s get roles --all-namespaces -o json
INFO root : PWD=/var/opt/openshift ; USER=root ; ENV=KUBECONFIG=/opt/openshift/auth/kubeconfig ; COMMAND=/bin/oc --request-timeout=5s get secrets --all-namespaces
INFO Bootstrap gather logs captured here "/root/ocp413/ocp413/log-bundle-20230709204228.tar.gz"

Kindly any advise if you have an insight, Thank you


