At some point cannot access XRDP, dropping out on login, untill "sudo reboot"
Sometimes, I cannot access ours "mainframe" using XRDP.
For instance, this happened today, when I came to work after weekends.
Every time I type in my password, I am dropped out of the session.
It looks like I am logged in locally, but I am not.
Tried connecting SSH, did not find any PID with my username, except the ssh itself.
Tried killing that PID.
Tried restarting XRDP.
Nothing helps.
But after I made "sudo reboot", I can magically log to XRDP again.
It is kind of not fun rebooting a linux in work every time a user looses RDP access. What is causing that and is there a way to resolve?
XRDP uses Xorg backbone. Basically, it works nicely untill the above happens.
The log shows
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Socket 13: AF_INET6 connection received from ::1 port 36052
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Terminal Server Users group is disabled, allowing authentication
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] ++ created session (access granted): username USERNAME, ip - socket: 12
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] starting Xorg session...
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Starting session: session_pid 67539, display :11.0, width 1920, height 1080, bpp 24, client ip - socket: 12, user name USERNAME
[20230619-09:53:55] [ERROR] sesman_data_in: scp_process_msg failed
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] [session start] (display 11): calling auth_start_session from pid 67539
[20230619-09:53:55] [ERROR] sesman_main_loop: trans_check_wait_objs failed, removing trans
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Starting X server on display 11: /usr/libexec/Xorg :11 -auth .Xauthority -config xrdp/xorg.conf -noreset -nolisten tcp -logfile .xorgxrdp.%s.log
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Found X server running at /tmp/.X11-unix/X11
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Found X server running at /tmp/.X11-unix/X11
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Found X server running at /tmp/.X11-unix/X11
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Starting the default window manager on display 11: /usr/libexec/xrdp/
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Session started successfully for user USERNAME on display 11
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Session in progress on display 11, waiting until the window manager (pid 67540) exits to end the session
[20230619-09:53:55] [INFO ] Starting the xrdp channel server for display 11
[20230619-09:53:56] [WARN ] Window manager (pid 67540, display 11) exited quickly (1 secs). This could indicate a window manager config problem
[20230619-09:53:56] [INFO ] Calling auth_stop_session and auth_end from pid 67539
[20230619-09:53:56] [INFO ] Terminating X server (pid 67541) on display 11
[20230619-09:53:56] [INFO ] Terminating the xrdp channel server (pid 67633) on display 11
[20230619-09:53:56] [INFO ] X server on display 11 (pid 67541) returned exit code 0 and signal number 0
[20230619-09:53:56] [INFO ] xrdp channel server for display 11 (pid 67633) exit code 0 and signal number 0
[20230619-09:53:56] [INFO ] cleanup_sockets:
[20230619-09:53:56] [INFO ] Process 67539 has exited
[20230619-09:53:56] [INFO ] ++ terminated session: username USERNAME, display :11.0, session_pid 67539, ip - socket: 12