CV Import Error; duplicate key value
CV Import errors with each CV import after upgrading to Sat 6.12.2
I have Content-views that I move from the connected satellite to the disconnected satellite. I have one content-view with a current version that is published to a set of servers. Importing a new cv gives me the error of duplicate key value violates unique constrain "rpm_updatecollection_name_update_record_id_...."
DETAIL: Key (name, update_record_id)=(rhel-7-server.....) already exist.
Basically, the in-process of imported cv has issues with the existing previous cv on the satellite
Didn't had the issue before. This is with all cv's. The only way to get around it is to open dyno flow and skip the errors. Not sure if that skips part of the import or just ignores the error.
Another way of fixing this is to reassign the set of servers to a different cv and then delete the exiting cv, then import the new cv and assign the affected host to the new cv. This is very time consuming...
Does anyone else experience the same?
Support doesn't have a solution for this.