Redhat 9, Display Mode Scale -- how to make it 125% or 150%?

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I'm in redhat 9 using an external 2k monitor. In Display Settings -> Scale, I see only 100%, 200%, and 300%. If this will be my main desktop, I'd like the option to choose 125% or even 150% just like Windows. This is important if I'm going to program on this 2k monitor, otherwise, I'll have eye strain at 100% setting or lose much screen real estate if I choose 200%. I really hoped for a little more refinement but why did the designers make the choice of only providing 100, 200, and 300%? I wish the designers would check out other main stream OS to copy and improve from their good parts.

I searched
red hat how to change to 125% scaling

"Short answer: no.

Long answer: yes. 1.0k

But it's not trivial."

Pretty unbelievable. I use to mess with linux at least back in 2003 but decided to drop it cuz there's just too many holes for usability. Got tired of window's insistance of scanning all my files every day or every reboot, so got fed up with that and now coming back around linux, but now see these glaring issues. Come on, man.

Linux really can't expect every single user go to through these pain before they drop it again:
