RHEL 8 Linux kickstart syntax changes (error: "reached basic target")
Significant RHEL 8 kickstart syntax changes for starting a kickstart
- RHEL 8.6 at minimum, probably other versions of RHEL 8
- Have not yet tested on RHEL 9 but will do so
- RHEL 8 kickstart fails to complete using "traditional" kickstart methods employed in RHEL 7, and not just merely because of the difference of initiating the kickstart from an ISO with
linux ks=
("linux ks" is the RHEL 7 method) versuslinux inst.ks=
(the RHEL 8 method) - At minimum with VMware, the kickstart often hangs at "
Reached target Basic System.
" and will not continue.
- There are significant syntax changes with RHEL 8 kickstarts. Namely when booting from an ISO file and starting a kickstart, this syntax for "ip=" is used:
for static andip::gateway:netmask:hostname:interface:method:mtu
- Another Red Hat Accelerator member has a guide at this link https://www.silvermills.net/build-kickstart-server-3/ which has this specific resolution
- The most important point of this resolution are the changes mentioned at table 16.3 (table 16.3 is under paragraph 16.4) in the Red Hat Kickstart documentation
linux inst.ks= nameserver= ip=
- IMPORTANT the "eth0" will probably need to be obviously updated with your proper IP address/gateway/interface ID etc. Please see the link provided above.
- ALSO IMPORTANT: note the use of
above, this is new with RHEL 8 and kickstarts must have this. See the other syntax change listed above
This is the previous method used with RHEL 7.x, do not use for RHEL 8
#this is an example of starting a kickstart using traditional RHEL7
linux ks= ip= netmask= gateway= nameserver=IP_OF_DNS_SERVER_GOES_HERE
- Boot from RHEL 8.6 ISO file in VMware
- Use this syntax below
# this is the form of syntax to use with RHEL 8 when starting a RHEL 8 kickstart booting from an ISO
#### the below IS JUST ONE CONTINGOUS LINE even if it appears as more than one line
linux inst.ks= nameserver= ip=
Request relevant feedback
- Please let us know in this discussion your own results
- The context of this is a kickstart started from a RHEL ISO and in our case we used a recent (2022) edition of VMware
This is a discussion, not a Red Hat Solution provided by a Red Hat Accelerator group member (me) citing another Accelerator group member - and neither of us are Red Hat Employees.
Additional information
- Oddly, the traditional method of kickstart (not the example above) did work in another virtual lab that was not VMware, however this worked fine for the issue mentioned above.
Kind Regards,