Export a list of virtual machines to a spreadsheet with full column header

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From https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1987863 I learned that I can export a list of virtual machines to a spreadsheet by doing:

/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/engine-psql.sh -c "copy (select vm_name, vm_guid, cluster_name, storage_pool_name from server_vms order by storage_pool_name, cluster_name, vm_name) to stdout with csv;"

and also tried:

/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/engine-psql.sh -c "copy (select * from server_vms) to stdout with csv;"

and got a huge list of columns without the hearder so I don't really know what each column means.

Is there a way to also export the column header or better yet, find out what the server_vms table contains?
