Unable to download updates from "odrs.gnome.org" - Disconnected Satellite

Latest response

Connected and Disconnected Satellite 6.10
RHEL 8.6

Registered a test server to the disconnected satellite
View Updates on the test Environment opens up. I can explore and view the installed apps. Updates show up to date with the latest checked time.

Software Repositories show:
GNOME Shell Extensions Repo Disabled
Linux Vendor Firmware Service - Disabled
Linux Vendor Firmware Service Testing - Disabled

RHEL 8 - AppStream - Enabled
RHEL 8 BaseOS - Enabled
Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.10 - Disabled

Refreshing under the updates says:
Looking for new updates. Then Software is up to date.
Then a message:
Unable to download updates from "odrs.gnome.org":
failed to download https://odrs.gnome.org/1.0/reviews/api/ratings: Cannot resolve hostname.


Why does it look for odrs.gnome.org when it's turned off under the software repositories?

Where can I verify that updates are actually applied or pulled?
On the disconnected Satellite > Host >> Host is listed > Recommendation/ Puppet Environment/ Host Group/ Last Report doesn't list anything.

On the disconnected satellite > Host > Content Host >> The host is shown, Installable updates have (security/ bug fixes/..) listed, last checking shows the current time/ date. I select lets say security and apply the updates, which shows 100% failed. I ran one fix and created a report.

The reports says:
Failed to initialize: RuntimeError - Could not use any capsule for the SSH job. Consider configuring remote_execution_global_Proxy, remote_execution_fallback_proxy in settings, error 2022-7-7....
