RH PAM v.7.12 on EAP 7.4 failed to proper install now issue w/login authentication

Latest response
  • Installed a fresh JBos EAP 7.4 w/https, keystore+vault
  • attempted to run: java -jar rhpam-installer-7.12.0.jar -console only this always failed at the end even though not other issues were logged
  • then attempted to install/deploy PAM from zip archive only
  • managemented to deploy business-central.war somehow
  • created several users w/add-user.sh
  • none will validate on the login page
  • raised log level to debug

Any hints appreciated for what's missing to allow logging into business-central, TIA!

2022-06-12 21:37:16,669 DEBUG [io.undertow.request] (default I/O-4) Matched prefix path /business-central for path /business-central/j_security_check
2022-06-12 21:37:16,690 DEBUG [io.undertow.request.security] (default task-1) Security constraints for request /business-central/j_security_check are [SingleConstraintMatch{emptyRoleSemantic=PERMIT, requiredRoles=[]}]
2022-06-12 21:37:16,691 DEBUG [io.undertow.request.security] (default task-1) Setting authentication required for exchange HttpServerExchange{ POST /business-central/j_security_check}
2022-06-12 21:37:16,705 DEBUG [org.wildfly.security.http.password] (default task-1) Username authentication. Realm: [null], Username: [<redacted>].
2022-06-12 21:37:16,712 DEBUG [org.wildfly.security.http.form] (default task-1) User [stwiso] authentication failed
2022-06-12 21:37:16,713 DEBUG [io.undertow.request.security] (default task-1) Authentication failed with message ELY06006: An authorization check for user '<redacted>' failed. and mechanism FORM for HttpServerExchange{ POST /business-central/j_security_check}
2022-06-12 21:37:16,722 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper] (default task-1) Parent class loader is: 'ModuleClassLoader for Module "deployment.business-central.war" from Service Module Loader'
2022-06-12 21:37:16,722 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.compiler] (default task-1) JBWEB005026: Compilation classpath: null
2022-06-12 21:37:16,723 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.servlet] (default task-1) Scratch dir for the JSP engine is: /opt/brms/EAP-7.4.0/standalone/tmp/business-central.war
2022-06-12 21:37:16,723 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.servlet] (default task-1) IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets
2022-06-12 21:37:16,723 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.servlet] (default task-1) JspEngine --> /login.jsp
2022-06-12 21:37:16,723 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.servlet] (default task-1)           ServletPath: /login.jsp
2022-06-12 21:37:16,723 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.servlet] (default task-1)              PathInfo: null
2022-06-12 21:37:16,723 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.servlet] (default task-1)              RealPath: /opt/brms/EAP-7.4.0/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/login.jsp
2022-06-12 21:37:16,723 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.servlet] (default task-1)            RequestURI: /business-central/login.jsp
2022-06-12 21:37:16,723 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.servlet] (default task-1)           QueryString: message=Login failed: Invalid UserName or Password
2022-06-12 21:37:16,731 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.compiler] (default task-1) Deleting /opt/brms/EAP-7.4.0/standalone/tmp/business-central.war/org/apache/jsp/login_jsp.class
2022-06-12 21:37:16,731 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.compiler] (default task-1) Deleting /opt/brms/EAP-7.4.0/standalone/tmp/business-central.war/org/apache/jsp/login_jsp.java
2022-06-12 21:37:16,831 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.compiler] (default task-1) Generated /opt/brms/EAP-7.4.0/standalone/tmp/business-central.war/org/apache/jsp/login_jsp.java total=99 generate=30 validate=67
2022-06-12 21:37:17,230 DEBUG [org.apache.jasper.compiler] (default task-1) Compiled /opt/brms/EAP-7.4.0/standalone/tmp/business-central.war/org/apache/jsp/login_jsp.java 396ms

Wondering where I might find further log telling more about why installer fails to launch embedded server (see attached been roaming around before quitting installer, but fails to find log for launch attempt of embedded server during installation...

attached SD image
