Satellite and CentOS 7 repos
I have a CentOS7 host that I have registered on my Satellite 6.10.4.
- I added the 3 CentOS repos (os, extras, updates) on a custom product.
- I added those repos into a content view.
- I added an activation key with those repos (and a bunch of others).
I use this activation key to register my host.
The host is getting all repos except "updates" and "extras"
[root@centos7host ~]# LANG=C yum repolist all
Loaded plugins: enabled_repos_upload, langpacks, package_upload, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager, tracer_upload
repo id repo name status
!XXXX_Centos_7_CentOS-7_-_base CentOS-7 - Base enabled: 10072
!XXXX_EPEL_7_EPEL_7_X86_64 EPEL 7 X86_64 enabled: 14188
!XXXX_Foreman_Client_Foreman_Client_-_EL7 Foreman Client - EL7 enabled: 14
!XXXX_PostgresQL_RHEL7-PG13 RHEL7-PG13 enabled: 518
XXXX_PostgresQL_RHEL7-PG14 RHEL7-PG14 disabled
!XXXX_Zabbix_Agent_5_4_RHEL_7_Zabbix Zabbix enabled: 122
repolist: 24914
Uploading Enabled Repositories Report
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, subscription-manager
[root@centos7host ~]#
Is anyone have an idea ?