Building a tunnel using openswan on VIP's
Looking for some assistance with building a tunnel using openswan on a host-to-host connection and have all of the traffic occur using VIP's. This is a non-bonded interface.
I can get the tunnel to build using:
Source Server - server-a
left=source_vip.ip.address.eth0:4 # Server-a
right=dest_primary.ip.address.eth0 # Server-b
Dest Server - server-b
left=source_primary.ip.address.eth0 # Server-b
right=dest_vip.ip.address.eth0:4 # Server-a
and traffic will blow between the two, but if i try to use the VIP-to-VIP ip's, it won't connect:
Source Server - server-a
left=source_vip.ip.address.eth0:4 # Server-a
right=dest_vip.ip.address.eth0:4 # Server-b
Dest Server - server-b
left=source_vip.ip.address.eth0:4 # Server-b
right=dest_vip.ip.address.eth0:4 # Server-a
Does anyone know how I can direct the traffic to the VIP on the Dest side of the tunnel from the source?