rhevm-manage-domains gives strange result

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Hi, after I had managed to install rhevm, I moved on to setting up ipa server for my rhevm. The command kinit admin works all fine. However, when I try this command: rhevm-manage-domains -action=add -domain=demo.redhat.com -user=admin -interactive -provider=IPA, it returns in following:

The domain demo.redhat.com has been added to the engine as an authentication source but no users from that domain have been granted permissions within oVirt Manager.

Users from this domain can be granted permissions from the Web administration interface or by editing the domain using -action=edit and specifying -addPermissions

Failed setting configuration value for option AdUserPassword. Details: Failed setting configuration value for option AdUserPassword.


One more thing, I can access to the portal of rhevm, but I cannot login with as admin with the password I provided when I setup. The password I provided is simple: 123456 so I dont think I type wrong.

Here is my DNS record:

@       IN      SOA     demo.redhat.com. rname.invalid. (
                       2               ; serial 
                       1D              ; refresh
                       1H              ; retry
                       1W              ; expiry
                       3H )            ; minimum
_kerberos._tcp          IN SRV 0 100 88         rhevm.demo.redhat.com.
_kerberos._udp          IN SRV 0 100 88         rhevm.demo.redhat.com.
_ldap._tcp              IN SRV 0 100 389        rhevm.demo.redhat.com.
rhevm                   IN A
