LACP Trunk-member Compatibility Question

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At one point in time, I seem to recall that attempting to create LACP bonded interfaces that used different driver families  (e.g., create an aggregate from an two Intel 1Gbps NICs and two Broadcomm 1Gbps NICs) wouldn't work. At least, what I seem to recall is that it wouldn't work from the standpoint of having four active members of the bond - you'd end up with an active trunk-pair (e.g., the Intel NICs) and a passive trunk-pair (e.g. the Broadcomm NICs). I thought I'd read it in one of the bonding driver READMEs. Unfortunately, now that I've been asked to revisit the question, I can't seem to locate where I'd seen this. Does anyone know if my recollection is in error? If my recollection is correct, does anyone know which document I might have found that had that notation? My Google-fu is coming up short, this evening.
