FC Storage issues on 3.1.0-43

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Hi Everyone

I've encountered a number of issues when attempting to create Storage Domain's on my new 3.1.0-43 environment.  I've raised support cases for each but thought they maybe of interest....


From Webadmin, "Storage --> Edit Domain" shows ALL the FC luns both "Used" and "Free" in the datacentre. This makes it impossible to identify which LUNs belong to the particular Storage Domain. And there is no other practical way of finding out.
In RHEV3.0 , "Edit Domain" only showed those LUNs either "Used" by the particular storage domain and those that were "Free". This made it easy to identify.


A local disk is showing as an available lun to be added to a FC type storage domain in Storage --> Edit Domain even though in "In use" status is "Used".   This should not be possible.


Selecting the LUN ID check box in Storage --> Edit domain should select all of the available LUNs.
It does not. Selecting the check box does nothing.


System --> Storage --> Edit Domain  allows you to edit the name of the particular storage domain but does not allow the change upon confirming with "OK". Either you should be able to edit and confirm the change or not be able to change it at all.  (I'd prefer the former)



Storage --> Edit Domain shows some LUNS with "In Use" status as "Free" even when they have already assigned to storage domain and are no longer available. The "In Use" status should read "Used"


