Uploading custom packages to rhn.redhat.com to make available to our satellite server's OS?

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For enterprise management, we maintain a number of in-house helper applications and customized NRPE, Nagios checks, etc in binary RPM format.  These are easy to apply to all of our hosts via the RHN satellite thanks to custom channels and rhnpush.  

Unfortunately since our satellite is registered to rhn.redhat.com for it's own package upgrades, our custom channels on the rhn-satellite are not accessible to the underlying OS running our satellite server.  

I see it's possible to define custom channels in the management interface of rhn.redhat.com, but I don't see how rhnpush could upload packages into these channels when it's all hosted on rhn.redhat.com.  I don't see anything in the docs for making custom packages available via custom channels defined in rhn.redhat.com either.  Is this possible? 


