RHEL Clustering

Latest response



I was finally able to get the correct subscriptions setup and have all the clustering prerequisites now installed.

The only cluster I am after is an application cluster, this will consist of 3 applications:

  1. httpd
  2. app1
  3. app2

They need to be started/stopped in a specific order:

Startup Sequence:

  1. app1
  2. app2
  3. httpd

Stop Sequence:

  1. httpd
  2. app2
  3. app1

I am struggling with my cluster.conf to accomplish this. All the above have /etc/init.d/ scripts which obviously return 0 for success and > 0 for not.

The other thing I am having trouble with is the 2 nodes fencing each other. The fencing works at the VMware level and indeed works, however, when a node comes in and joins the cluster it always seems to fence the other node which is running the service and forcefully restarts on itself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't want this to occur if the service is running correctly. 


I can't seem to find any valid application cluster.conf examples around. Does anyone do something like the above and care to share their cluster.conf?



