Can't boot any ISO from VM - Boot failed: Could not read from CDROM (code 0003). Can't assign virtio-win-1.5.3.vfd to a VM
All ISOs are successfully resident in the ISODomain
All ISOs have correct permissions vdsm and kvm owners (chown 36:36)
RHEVM 3.1 Manager sees all ISOs in ISODomain
I can create a VM and assign the ISO to it. RunOnce and assign ISO to it.
When the VM boots, it fails to boot the CD with the above error: Boot failed: Could not read from CDROM (code 0003)
ISOs are good, they boot fine on VMWare Workstation VMs.
Running RHEVM 3.1.0-18.el6ev
Running RHEV Hypervisor - 6.3 - 20120910.0.rhev31.el6_3
Also, I cannot assign the virtio-win-1.5.3.vfd floppy image to a Windows VM for initial install (in addition to not being able to boot the CD).
The file does not even show up in the list from ISODomain, although it is there in the ISODomain Images View in the GUI and on the server.
Any ideas?