RHEV-H bootable USB install goes straight to cli Login Prompt.

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Hi, I have created a usb boot device using command:


dd if=/usr/share/rhev-hypervisor/rhev-hypervisor.iso of=/dev/sdb1

Which resulted in a bootable usb. However after selecting the "Install or Upgrade" option, I am delivered straight to a login prompt even though I have not installed the hypervisor, and have not been given any opportunity to create a root password. I thought perhaps the root password is inherited from the RHEV-Manager machine I used to create the bootable usb but this does not work either.


I've been working off this page:

http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.0/html-single/Installation_Guide/index.html#sect-Installation_Guide-Installing_the_PRODUCT_Hypervisor (@ 7.1)


Any advise appretiated
