USB Mouse after install
I am installing RHEL V5.6 onto a "brandy spanking new" PC (an ASUS x54)
This install worked Swell onto an older (say 2 years?) DELL Inspiron
Bit now I have two issues with the New PC.
A: During the install anaconda runs the XServer and sees my USB (Logitech) mouse and proceeds nicely. After the final reboot, it sumbles on trying to start the XServer complaining that maybe my mouse is not configured well enough (it does complain about not being able to query the Synaptic Hardware, which is likely the laptop's mouse-pad.)
I find it odd, since it had no trouble during the installation. And even stranger, the GUI screen it puts up asking if I want to review the XServer log, shows my mouse and allows me to move it around the screen !
Is there a config file or something somewhere that allows to to tell the XServer to skip the Synaptic stuff and just run the USB Mouse??
B: And nextly can anyone offer some help about trying to get the OS the see my motherboard ethernet card? The ifconfig comes back with the loopback device AND another named wlan0 and even shows its MAC address. So I (assume) need a driver? And if so, how does one go about finding out which one to use? I tried going to the ASUS website hoping it would offer a linux driver but no joy :<
Thanks for any info you might provide!