RFE: Add a Host with custom ssh port and sudo user

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This is a "Request For Enhancement" for RHEV Manager 3 Beta.


I select a cluster. I click on Hosts. New.


The New Host dialog appears.


It only prompts about:


Name, Address, Root password.


I would like to have an extra field: Custom SSH port.


I personally don't use the custom ssh port (22) in order to improve security.


More than this I even deny root login with:

PermitRootLogin no






So it would be nice a setup where I could define a non-root user which has sudo access (maybe without the need of using password to ease access from RHEV Manager) to...I currently don't know... a given daemon, a given script, all the programs (full root access)?


That means a checkbox called: Sudo user which greys default root user and enables another field where you can define your custom sudo user.
