Problem to convert ESX guest into the KVM

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Hi  , I'm  testing   RHEV  v3 beta .


One of the tasks  is to convert  ESX guests   ( v 4 and 5 ) into the KVM  format  within  the RHEV-M .



1. When  I’m trying  to covert  ESX  guest ( v.4 ) into the RHEV 



#virt-v2v -ic  esx://  -o rhev -osd rh6lab3:/extra/export2  --network lclients Rhel5.5-WEB-Rsync-Backup


I get  this error :


"qemu: terminating on signal 15"



2. Although everything  looks fine  and I  succeeded to import and boot  converted  guest within the RHEV  I noticed that  after  the migration not all  data present on the  KVM  guest .So, most of a data  was under the /root  on ESX  guest   is not found on KVM  guest .



Full   vrt-v2v  putput :

# virt-v2v -ic  esx://  -o rhev -osd  --network lclients Rhel5.5-WEB-Rsync-Backup

PD RHEL 5 Image_PD RHEL 5 Image: 100% [================================================================]D 0h41m11s

qemu: terminating on signal 15 from pid 17463

virt-v2v: Rhel5.5-WEB-Rsync-Backup configured with virtio drivers


Any ideas ?



Thanks ,




