Resource Bundle (*.properties) only packaged with application in EAP 6
When reviewing what steps are required to migrate from EAP 5 to EAP 6, I noticed this paragraph about deploying properties files to EAP 6, (based on AS7). Since EAP 6 is still in a planning phase, I thought it might be interesting to see what you all thought about packaging all configuration with your applications. Also I would be interested to find out the reason behind this change, if anyone knows.
"In previous versions of AS, the JBOSS_HOME/server/<servername>/conf/ was available in the classpath. Hence the properties files in that location were available in the classpath of the application.
In AS7, to get those properties available in the classpath, package them within your application. For example, if you are deploying a .war then package those properties in WAR WEB-INF/classes/ folder. If you want those properties accessible to all components in a .ear, then package them at the root of some .jar and place that jar in EAR lib/ folder."
It seems to me that have a environment specific properties file is a convienent solution to deploying applications to different environments, allowing you to specify settings specific to an environment at the application server (AS) level, instead of at the application level.
Of course logging, and datasource configuration remains part of the AS configuration because they are defined in the AS configuration file, but I wonder if there are application specific settings which are better specified at the AS level.