How to define a second network in the hypervisor !!
I have two PowerEdge T300 servers running as hypervisors servers for my RHEVM infraestructure. These servers has 2 lanics. In one of them has the segment 146.219.216.x (eth0) and this is named rhevm (network name) for the RHEVM console. Trough this lanic offers the conectivity for my all virtual machines.
The problem is when i want to use the second lanic (eth1) for configure a private network between 3 hosts (2 pcs and 1 virtual machine) with the segment, if run the ovirt-config-setup script, the option 3) configure network, aborts because says that the only way to configure extra networks is trough the rhevm console.
When i go to the rhevm console and select the hypervisor (hosts section), appears that has two physical lanics into the "Network interfaces" section, but the eth1 always appears with the link down. And the wizard for configure another network says that i have to install an extra lanics in the hypervisor server. What is that ??.
Exist some restrictions for use the free lanic (eth1) in the hypervisors ??.
Thank's in advance !!