Setting up DNS prior to installing RHEV-M 3.0 Beta

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Here are some quick notes on BIND for those who may not know the setup. I did this before completing rhevm-setup, as I did not want to rely on static HOSTS entries:

1) Install BIND Dns Server
# yum install bind

2) Change some options in /etc/named.conf so we can listen and serve:

options {
listen-on port 53 {; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
// allow-query     { localhost; };

// -<Comment this or set it to your subnet>-
recursion no;

// -<Disable Recursive Querying - optional>-

3) Before saving the file, append these lines (salt to taste)

zone "ctusa.local" IN {
type master;
file "/var/named/data/";

zone "" IN {
type master;
file "/var/named/data/";

4) Create the zone files as seen here:
# /var/named/data/ ::
$ORIGIN ctusa.local.
$TTL 1h
ctusa.local.  IN  SOA  proxy.ctusa.local. root.ctusa.local. (
              2011081503 ; serial number of this zone file
              1d         ; slave refresh (1 day)
              2h         ; slave retry time in case of a problem (2 hours)
              4w         ; slave expiration time (4 weeks)
              1h         ; maximum caching time in case of failed lookups (1 hour)
ctusa.local.   NS proxy.ctusa.local.
proxy      A
rhevm      A
hypervisor      A
storage  A

# /var/named/data/  IN  SOA  proxy.ctusa.local. root.ctusa.local. (
              2011081504 ; serial number of this zone file
              1d         ; slave refresh (1 day)
              2h         ; slave retry time in case of a problem (2 hours)
              4w         ; slave expiration time (4 weeks)
              1h         ; maximum caching time in case of failed lookups (1 hour)
  NS proxy.ctusa.local.

59 IN PTR proxy.ctusa.local.
60 IN PTR rhevm.ctusa.local.
61 IN PTR hypervisor.ctusa.local.
62 IN PTR storage.ctusa.local.

5) Set your DNS entries on your systems to point to the IP of the DNS server.

6) Fire it up: 
# service named start

7) Run rhevm-setup
