Where to find libguestfs-winsupport for RHEL 6.5 Client?

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Since I have many problems with VMware Workstation 9 running on a RHEL6 Client I consider not upgrading to VMware Workstation 10 but switching to KVM instead. Installing all the KVM stuff went fine and I was able to convert my Linux-based VMs successfully.

BUT: Where do I find the package libguestfs-winsupport which seems to be a prerequisite for converting and running Windows guests? The V2V Guide says: "The libguestfs-winsupport package is provided by the RHEL V2VWIN (v. 6 for 64-bit x86_64) channel" But since I only own a Client subscription I do not have access to this channel.

So why is virtio-win available for me as Client subscriber but no libguestfs-winsupport? This seems inconsistent to me, and furthermore it prevents me from running Windows guests on RHEL Client. Is this really intended?
