Error while upgrading RHEL 7.9 to RHEL 8
I have a server RHEL 7.9 with subscription to RHEL via Satellite that I am trying to upgrade to RHEL 8 using leapp upgrade.
I am getting this error while proceeding with leapp upgrade:
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2021-07-12 11:20:23.112807 [ERROR] Actor: target_userspace_creator
Message: Cannot find required basic RHEL 8 repositories.
Hint: It is required to have RHEL repositories on the system provided by the subscription-manager unless the --no-rhsm options is specified. Possibly you are missing a valid SKU for the target system or network connection failed. Check whether your system is attached to a valid SKU providing RHEL 8 repositories. In case the Satellite is used, read the upgrade documentation to setup the satellite and the system properly.
Can someone help me to figure out the problem and how I can solve it.
Eloge B.