"Unable to determine VM's IP address, did it fail to boot?" - RedHat Linux Error

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I need help.
I executed crc start command and this happened:

INFO Starting CodeReady Containers VM for OpenShift 4.7.11...
DEBU Updating CRC VM configuration
DEBU (crc) Calling .GetConfigRaw
DEBU (crc) Calling .Start
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:43:55-03:00" level=debug msg="Starting VM crc"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:43:55-03:00" level=debug msg="Validating network"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:43:55-03:00" level=debug msg="Validating storage pool"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:44:00-03:00" level=debug msg="GetIP called for crc"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:44:00-03:00" level=debug msg="Getting current state..."
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:44:00-03:00" level=debug msg="Waiting for machine to come up 0/60"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:44:03-03:00" level=debug msg="GetIP called for crc"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:44:03-03:00" level=debug msg="Getting current state..."
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:44:03-03:00" level=debug msg="Waiting for machine to come up 1/60"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:44:06-03:00" level=debug msg="GetIP called for crc"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:44:06-03:00" level=debug msg="Getting current state..."
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:46:57-03:00" level=debug msg="Waiting for machine to come up 59/60"
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:47:00-03:00" level=warning msg="Unable to determine VM's IP address, did it fail to boot?"
DEBU Making call to close driver server
DEBU (crc) Calling .Close
DEBU Successfully made call to close driver server
DEBU Making call to close connection to plugin binary
DEBU (crc) DBG | time="2021-06-02T15:47:00-03:00" level=debug msg="Closing plugin on server side"
Error starting machine: Error in driver during machine start: Unable to determine VM's IP address, did it fail to boot?

