Black Screen after GRUB when plymouth loads LUKS password splash

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This is my first attempt at posting here so please forgive me any missteps. I've spent the last couple weeks off and on trying to figure out what is preventing the post GRUB LUKS decryption plymouth splash from displaying on my monitor.

I'm running an Oracle X8-2L, which is a headless server, but due to where some of these servers operate I need a monitor hooked up to them. The solution was to use a PCIe x8 GT710 NVidia card due to my PCIex16 slot being occupied already.

What I see is the system boots up, the GRUB menu shows up, I select the option I want from GRUB and then my monitor goes black, it doesnt go into power save mode so something is keeping it alive but nothing is displayed. In the background at this point the plymouth splash with the LUKS password prompt for my encrypted drives is waiting for me to type in the password. Unfortunately this splash does not show on my monitor all I see is black screen (I know its there because I can see it through a video redirect via the network management port to another machine). I can blindly type in my password for the LUKS and then it'll move on at which point the user login screen shows up and I actually get video out on my monitor again.

I've been battling various video out issues with this box since I started, it has got a built in matrox graphics chip that uses the mgag200 driver which generates the video redirected out over the network management port (I believe). So essentially if I want anything out my Nvidia card I have to blacklist both nouveau and mgag200 and I set nouveau.modeset and mgag200.modeset to 0 in GRUB, I also have them in the blacklist.conf file in the /etc/modprobe.d directory.

As far as I can tell the issue occurs in the initramfs stage between grub and the real filesystem with x running. I created a file in the /etc/dracut.conf.d directory to add my nvidia drivers to the initramfs (I believe that is how it works, Im not a linux expert)

add_drivers+=" nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm "

Hoping that by providing the nvidia drivers to the initramfs that it would use the nvidia card output but it appears not, even after I still dont see anything between GRUB selection and Redhat User login. Im getting to the point where I'm starting to think I may just be stuck with the blind LUKS password entry. I tried disabling plymouth and going to text only and while I did get a cli prompt rather than a plymouth splash for the LUKS password (as seen in the video redirect via network mgmt port) I still didnt get anything out on my monitor.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks for making it through that wall of text.
