RedHat 7 better recycle for memory available/too much swap usage

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I've been working with RedHat and CentOS system for a long time, but recently I start to notice something about the memory management/the swap usage. I've tried to reduce the swappiness to 10, but it seems that it didn't work, and after a certain time the operating system will start using swap instead of automatically recycle the available/cache memory, for example:

$ free -m
       total  used  free  shared  buff/cache  available
Mem:   15881  4219  1273     222       10389      11311
Swap:   8191  5629  2562

$ cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

Has ever anyone had this kind of problem too? Or find any sysctl option to improve the recycling of memory available?

I've read about some echo's on drop_caches to clean the memory, but it doesn't seem a good solution, just a workaround.
