How to properly rename a custom repo
On Satellite 6.6, I have custom repos that I created with a simple name/id.
product name: epel
repo name : el7
repo label : el7
repo id : ORG_product_label
when doing a subscription-manager repos --list , the repo id is nice but the repo name is not useful at all:
Repo ID: ORG_epel_el7
Repo Name: el7
Repo URL: https://xxx.yyy.zzz/pulp/repos/ORG/Library/ccview/custom/epel/el7
Enabled: 1
When I change the Repo name to a more useful value:
product name: epel
repo name : "EPEL for RHEL7"
repo label : el7
repo id : ORG_product_label
I expect subscription manager to show :
Repo ID: ORG_epel_el7
Repo Name: EPEL for RHEL7
Repo URL: https://xxx.yyy.zzz/pulp/repos/ORG/Library/ccview/custom/epel/el7
Enabled: 1
But it keeps showing me the label instead of the name.
I noticed that in content views, the new label is shown but in the activation key repository set, it shows the labels in place of the name.
Even when creating a new activation key, it keeps the label for the name.
How can I make the activation key and the clients see the correct name?