Number of Parameters in HttpRequest
Hello, this problem stems from getting the following error:
io.undertow.util.ParameterLimitException: UT000047: The number of parameters exceeded the maximum of 1000
Now I know I can increase max-parameters but my system people don't want me to do that. Also, 1000 is a lot of parameters. So I am looking at reducing the number of parameters being sent across.
So I will attempt to briefly describe the process and hopefully someone can offer some advice.
This web app is being converted to run on JBoss, it has been running on Apache Tomcat. I didn't write the original code. It creates letters to be mailed in a pdf format. There is a JSP page that displays the name, address etc. for all the letters that will be created. It uses HTML
I have tried Expression Language in this results JSP using ${pageContext.request.parameterMap} to see how many parameters there are but there is only one parameter.
So my question is this, where are all the parameters coming from? Is every
Does this make sense ? If there is another approach, please let me know. I am not well versed in everything that happens internally with the http requests and responses going back and forth.
I can provide more information if needed.
Thanks in advance !!