Satellite as a tool for repository snapshots
I wanted to use Satellite as a tool for something like 'repo snapshots'. We have a number of server groups that share the same requirements for RHEL packages' versions. Some of these servers are supposed to stay on the same base version forever and only change several packages (let's say, update openssh). Some of these servers need to be upgraded, but only after another group of servers is already patched and tested (classical 'test->preprod->prod' approach). I've created content views, added them to lifecycle environments and tried to use environments as a repo snapshot to a certain point in time. For example, I've created environment called 'December 2019' with packages up to that date.
Soon I've found this approach unwieldy - what if I want to update just one package and leave the rest alone? Or just install newer version of Satellite tools? Is there a way to modify older version of Content View or create new one using old version plus some additional stuff ('fork' that historical 'snapshot')? Or am I doing it all wrong and should take another approach?
I want to have RPM sources like this:
- RPMS for RHEL 7 from December 2019
- RPMS for RHEL 7 from December 2019 with Satellite tools 6.6
- RPMS for RHEL 7 from May 2020
- RPMS for RHEL 7 from May 2020 with one patched RPM
Thanks for any ideas/comments
Pavel U.