Moving Satellite from 32-bit to 64-bit OS

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Our current Satellite (5.4.1) is running on a 32-bit RHEL5 box. We need to run on 64-bit if we're going to eventually move to 5.5 or 5.6 (eventually 6.0). Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations as to which scenario would be better?

Scenario #1:

  1. Build a RHEL6 64-bit box
  2. Install Satellite
  3. Backup the old Satellite server
  4. Restore it onto the new one
  5. Decommission the old Satellite


Scenario #2:

  1. Build RHEL6 64-bit box
  2. Install Satellite
  3. Run side-by-side and register each server with new Satellite
  4. Once all servers are registered to new Satellite, decommission the old one

Or, perhaps there is an even better option?

Any feedback would be appreciated!! Thanks!!
