RHOS 3.0 Getting Started Guide questions/comments
I'm going through the getting started guide for RHOS 3.0 and have some questions... Apologies in advance for all the newbie comments/questions.
If I look at Chapter 6 - Using OpenStack with the Dashboard, I see the following sequence (I'm just including the consecutive sections of interest in the order that they appear):
- uploading a disk image
- creating a keypair
- creating a network
- launching an instance
- creating a volume
- attaching a volume
- creating an instance snapshot
- adding a rule to a security group
- adding floating ip addresses
- creating a router
If I look at Chapter 7 - Using OpenStack with the Command Line Interface, I see the following sequence:
- uploading an image
- launching an instance
- creating a volume
- attaching a volume
- accessing a volume from a running instance
- creating a snapshot
- working with nova networking
- working with openstack networking
First, the sequence is different between the two and there are different steps between the two. I guess nova networking isn't handled by the dashboard?
There's no "creating a keypair" in chapter 7, but isn't that needed for the --key_name parameter in the launch an instance section? I found the "creating a router" and "adding floating ip addresses" in sub-sections in chapter 7 but the networking is different between the two chapters.
What is the correct order for doing things? Shouldn't the order match regardless of if the dashboard or if the command line is used? I guess I was thinking that the two chapters would be consistent in the steps and only differ in how the steps are accomplished (dashboard or command line). I think that would be useful for new users (like me :)
Any pointers are appreciated,