Ceph: waiting for the monitor(s) to form the quorum

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Trying to install rhceph using cockpit or ansible-playbook. And in all cases, the installation stops at the task [ceph-mon: waiting for the monitor (s) to form the quorum ...] . I do the installation through containers or RPM but all the time this item. The containers are running. I tried to execute a command that runs during this task, but nothing happens. What should be and why this task is also performed during installation using RPM

[root@ceph-node1]# podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                                  COMMAND               CREATED            STATUS                PORTS  NAMES
35aea4118ac5  registry.redhat.io/rhceph/ansible-runner-rhel8:latest  /usr/bin/supervis...  About an hour ago  Up About an hour ago         runner-service
15c899b010dc  registry.redhat.io/rhceph/rhceph-4-rhel8:latest                              About an hour ago  Up About an hour ago         ceph-mon-ceph-node1
[root@ceph-node1]# cat /usr/share/ceph-ansible/roles/ceph-mon/tasks/ceph_keys.yml
- name: waiting for the monitor(s) to form the quorum...
  command: >
    {{ container_exec_cmd }}
    --cluster {{ cluster }}
    -n mon.
    -k /var/lib/ceph/mon/{{ cluster }}-{{ ansible_hostname }}/keyring
    --format json
  register: ceph_health_raw
  run_once: true
  until: >
    (ceph_health_raw.stdout | length > 0) and (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)['state'] in ['leader', 'peon']
  retries: "{{ handler_health_mon_check_retries }}"
  delay: "{{ handler_health_mon_check_delay }}"
  changed_when: false

When trying to execute

podman exec ceph-mon-ceph-node1 ceph --cluster ceph -n mon. -k /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-ceph-node1/keyring mon_status --format json

Output is empty
