Installing LaTeX on RHEL8
when I tried to run latex RHEL said:
bash: latex: command not found...
Install package 'texlive-latex' to provide command 'latex'? [N/y]
and I said y
however, then I got
Failed to install packages: Cannot download Packages/t/texlive-qstest-20180414-14.el8.noarch.rpm: All mirrors were tried; Last error: Curl error (6): Couldn't resolve host name for [Could not resolve host:]
I also tried installing LaTeX via
dnf install texlive-scheme-full (like in Fedora)
but dnf said
Unable to find a match: texlive-scheme-full
when try
dnf search texlive
I can find hundreds of packages - which of these do I actually need to install to get LaTeX working on RHEL8?