SUMMARY Simple method to automate cleanup of forgotten LVM snapshots

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This is shared with the forum members so that someone might benefit if they have similar problem.

Scenario: IT Operators often forget to clean up obsolete LVM snapshots.

To avoid it, I set up simple method with system timer:

Create systemd service that operates like cron job but with much more flexibility and logging capabilities. I wanted to run LVM snapshot checks every day at 08:35 hours…

Full configuration:

a) Create Shell script /usr/local/bin/


PATH=/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin; export PATH

cutoff=$(date -d '4 days ago' +%s)

lvs --nosuffix -o lv_name,lv_time --noheadings os | egrep _snap | while read -r lvname lvcrdate 
   age=$(date -d "$lvcrdate" +%s)
   echo "INFO: Snapshot $lvname was created on $lvcrdate"
   logger "INFO: Snapshot $lvname was created on $lvcrdate"
   if (($age < $cutoff))
      echo "WARN: Snapshot $lvname is older than 4 days"
      logger "WARN: Snapshot $lvname is older than 4 days"
      lvremove -f ${VGNAME}/${lvname}
      if [ $? -eq 0 ]
         echo "INFO: Snapshot $lvname removed successfully"
         logger "INFO: Snapshot $lvname removed successfully"
         echo "INFO: Removal of snapshot $lvname failed"
         logger "INFO: Removal of snapshot $lvname failed"
      echo "INFO: Snapshot $lvname not removed because it is not older than 4 days "
      logger "INFO: Snapshot $lvname not removed because it is not older than 4 days "

exit 0

b) Create systemd service /etc/systemd/system/lvm-snapshots.service

Description=Check status of LVM snapshots daily (cron-like service)



c) Create systemd timer /etc/systemd/system/lvm-snapshots.timer

Description=Execute LVM snapshot checks every day at 08:35 hours 

OnCalendar=*-*-* 08:35:00


d) Enable systemd service and timer:

# systemctl enable lvm-snapshots.service && systemctl start lvm-snapshots.service

# systemctl enable lvm-snapshots.timer && systemctl start lvm-snapshots.timer

e) Verify the status of the timer (run at around four minutes before 08:30 hours):

# systemctl list-timers lvm-snapshot*
NEXT                          LEFT          LAST PASSED UNIT                ACTIVATES
Thu 2020-01-30 08:35:00 AEDT  3min 37s left n/a  n/a    lvm-snapshots.timer lvm-snapshots.service

1 timers listed.

f) Check the execution of the timer soon after 08:35 hours:

# systemctl status lvm-snapshots.service -l
   lvm-snapshots.service - Check status of LVM snapshots daily (cron-like service)
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/lvm-snapshots.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2020-01-30 08:35:00 AEDT; 7min ago
  Process: 104271 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 104271 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom systemd[1]: Started Check status of LVM snapshots daily (cron-like service).
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom[104271]: INFO: Snapshot home_snap was created on 2020-01-30 08:22:21 +1100
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom[104271]: INFO: Snapshot home_snap not removed because it is not older than 4 days
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom[104271]: INFO: Snapshot var_snap was created on 2020-01-29 12:15:01 +1100
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom[104271]: INFO: Snapshot var_snap not removed because it is not older than 4 days

In addition, syslog also reports the event:

Jan 30 08:30:13 myhost.domain.dom systemd: Started Execute LVM snapshot checks every day at 08:35 hours.
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom systemd: Started Check status of LVM snapshots daily (cron-like service).
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom INFO: Snapshot home_snap was created on 2020-01-30 08:22:21 +1100
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom root: INFO: Snapshot home_snap was created on 2020-01-30 08:22:21 +1100
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom INFO: Snapshot home_snap not removed because it is not older than 4 days
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom root: INFO: Snapshot home_snap not removed because it is not older than 4 days
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom INFO: Snapshot var_snap was created on 2020-01-29 12:15:01 +1100
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom root: INFO: Snapshot var_snap was created on 2020-01-29 12:15:01 +1100
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom INFO: Snapshot var_snap not removed because it is not older than 4 days
Jan 30 08:35:00 myhost.domain.dom root: INFO: Snapshot var_snap not removed because it is not older than 4 days

g) Check when the next LVM snapshot clean-up will run:

# systemctl list-timers lvm-snapshot*
NEXT                          LEFT     LAST                          PASSED  UNIT                ACTIVATES
Fri 2020-01-31 08:35:00 AEDT  23h left Thu 2020-01-30 08:35:00 AEDT  49s ago lvm-snapshots.timer lvm-snapshots.service

1 timers listed.

Best wishes,

Dusan Baljevic (amateur radio VK2COT)
