Satellite client question - restoring satellite membership after rebuild
OK so this one might seem a bit odd but essentially we're working on being able to take a client down for a full rebuild and get it back in sync with Puppet and RedHat Satellite afterward.
The puppet stuff was super easy, all we have to do is grab '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/*' from the host ahead of time and restore it after the rebuild.
The Satellite stuff doesn't seem as easy. I tried grabbing the systemID file and just putting that back in place but that didn't do it. What files do I need to restore on a host so that it can continue communicating with RHN Satellite after a rebuild?
PS: For those wondering, we're doing this so that lab host owners can run a simple shell script on a host to copy all the puppet & RHN files it needs, bring it down for a rebuild, then run another script to restore all the saved Puppet and RHN files so that a host owner doesn't need to have any admin access to RHN Satellite or the Puppet Master.