Difference in CPU USE% between RHEL8.0GA and RHEL8.1BETA
In RHEL8.1BETA, start the iperf service and execute the command iperf3 -s -p 12345 , then execute perf3 -c xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p 12345 -l 256 -P 1 -i 2 -t 50 , and execute the same command on RHEL 8.0GA. The USE% usage rate of the CPU of the iperf process of RHEL8.1BETA was found to be more than twice that of RHEL8.0GA.
I hope that when iperf is executed on RHEL8.1BETA, the user% usage of the iperf process can be the same as RHEL8.0GA.
After investigation, the difference may be caused by different kernel versions. The kernel version of RHEL8.1BETA is kernel4.18.0-107, and the kernel version of RHEL8.0GA is kernel4.18.0-100. However, it is still unknown how it is caused.