8.0: installation: "no applications installed or available"

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I've just done a clean 8.0 installation, but have had a couple of problems. First, the Cockpit Applications app failed with "Cannot update read-only repo". I fixed this with a "dnf remove PackageKit-command-not-found", as per the recommendation [here] (https://access.redhat.com/solutions/4308351).

However, this isn't sufficient to get Cockpit or the Software app to show any applications; Cockpit just shows "no applications installed or available". If I try a refresh I get:

cannot update repo 'satellite-tools-6.6-for-rhel-8-x86_64-source-rpms':
   Cannot download repomd.xml:
   Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml:
   All mirrors were tried; Last error:
      Status code: 403 for

This repo wasn't enabled, so I've enabled everything with

subscription-manager repos --enable=*

This does appear to enable everything, including the required repo, but dnf repolistfails before showing a complete list of repos, with

Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'rhel-8-for-x86_64-sap-netweaver-source-rpms'

Anyway, this makes no difference. Cockpit still shows "No applications installed or available", and the Software app shows a blank page for 'installed', and various empty categories for 'available'.
I've run out of ideas here - can anyone sugegst anything? I'm on a dev subscription, if it helps. Thanks.
