Giving Active Directory Group Access to File/Directory own by Local User
Using RHEL 7.5 and AD integration is complete.
We have an application running on RHEL that uses a local account.
[root@test ~]# ls -ltr /opt/APP
total 38176
drwxrwx---+ 2 app app 4096 Jul 9 17:20 bin
drwxrwx---+ 12 app app 8192 Aug 2 04:20 run
This is the AD user:
[root@test ~]# id testuser
uid=21313(testuser) gid=10097(jumpboxaccess) groups=10097(jumpboxaccess),10420(app-admin)
How to give testuser permission to access and execute commands inside the /opt/APP/bin/ and /opt/APP/run/ without changing the permissions from 770 to 777?