Link Content Views and LifeCycle Environments via API.
Good day,
I'm part of a project looking to automate Linux VM provisioning activities of which RH Satellite is a system we need to integrate into.
I'm trying to automate the registering a host with a subscription. It accepts a hostname as well as IDs for a Content View and a LifeCycle Environment. The request looks as follows:
"name": "trhn101zatcrh",
"lifecycle_environment_id ": 2,
"content_view_id ": 2
And the response as follows:
"displayMessage": "Couldn't find specified Content View and Lifecycle Environment.",
"errors": [
"Couldn't find specified Content View and Lifecycle Environment."
I can confirm that both the content views and lifecycle environments exists. I've used default ones created new content views and lifecycle environments, yet I still get the same error.