Satellite beta 6.5 and subscription manifests

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Hi all,
I just got the Satellite 6.5 beta announcement and it looks like there are a bunch of things in there that will be useful to me.

I've been going through the satellite 6.5 Beta Navigation Guide's Example Workflow and I'm unsure where to get a manifest from for the step that says "Using hammer, import a subscription-manifest".

Obviously I could just download the manifest I have for my current Satellite, but surely that won't work. I would expect that my beta Satellite server would notice that the manifest is intended for use on some other Satellite server and refuse to use it.

I'm expecting that I will need to carve some subscriptions off from my current Satellite server and set up a new Subscription Allocation. Is that right? That involves a moderate amount of faffing about on my part, so I'd like someone to confirm that is what I should do before I rush off and do it.

