EAP 7.2: artemis modules version
in the EAP 7.2: Configuring Messaging document, at the following page:
31.3. Configuring the Artemis Resource Adapter to Connect to Red Hat AMQ
"That is because JBoss EAP 7.2 is packaged with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 1.5.x, which removed the support for these protocols."
and later
"The Artemis resource adapter that is included with JBoss EAP uses the ActiveMQ Artemis JMS Client 1.5.5. This client requires anycastPrefix and multicastPrefix prefixing on the address. It also expects the queue name to be the same as the address name."
However when looking at the jboss-eap-7.2/modules/system/layers/base/ contents I can see all org/apache/activemq/artemis/ modules at version 2.6.3 and not 1.5.x as is stated in the documentation. Version 1.5.x was included in EAP 7.1, but it seems to have been updated to 2.6.x in EAP 7.2.
Therefore I believe the current EAP 7.2 documentation is outdated in this regard and should be updated. The requirement for specifying the anycastPrefix and multicastPrefix on the AMQ acceptor isn't most likely valid as well.