How do I install cutecom?

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I have RHEL Server 7.4 (Maipo).

For particular test purposes, I have successfully installed both minicom and putty by using yum. However, when root tries "yum install cutecom", I get "No package cutecom available".

My Google searches didn't help me figure out how to otherwise install cutecom on RHEL. Yet they do suggest it exists.

Any advice, please?

(I do find and wonder if I must download a new rpm. I don't totally understand this process, so I'm not trying that yet. Right now, if I do "yum repolist" I get 6 lines beginning with "rhel-7". Also, in the /etc/yum.repos.d folder I have three entries: epel.repo, epel-testing.repo, and redhat.repo.)
