RHEL5 restrict ssh connections

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Working on setting up some RHEL 5 nodes that are running openssh4.3 to allow certain users from specific subnet and allow all others in.
I have done this on my RHEL 6 and 7 using Match in the sshd_config.
Similiar to this
RHEL 7 - sshd_config
Match Address xx.xxx.xxx.0/24
AllowGroups unix_admins unix_admins
Match Address *,!xx.xxx.xxx.0/24
AllowGroups secscan ops

RHEL 6 - sshd_config
Match Group unix_admins Address xx.xxx.xxx.0/24
Match Group secscan,ops@oriental.com Address *,!xx.xxx.xxx.0/24

I can't seem to find anything on RHEL5 on how to set something up similar. I also tried adding in the /etc/security/access.conf with no luck. I have spent 1.5 days searching for anything that might work. Any help appreciated.

