RHEL 5.8 and RHEV 4.1

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We've migrated a RHEL 5.8 from VMware to a RHEV 4.1 environment. We've also added a disks to this VM but it is not showing up on the OS. Is there a way to get the new disk to show up without a reboot?

I've tried the following
/etc/init.d/ovirt-guest-agent restart

for i in virtio_console virtio_net virtio_blk virtio_pci virtio_ring virtio; do modprobe ${i}; done

modprobe acpiphp

-- I didn't think running 'rescan-iscsi-bus.sh' since the there are no disks attached to the scsi controller--in fact, there is no scsi controller since the migration to RHEV

There is nothing under '/sys/class/scsi_host'
Thank you,
